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You will need to have MKDocs installed on your system. I recommend installing it via pip to get the latest version.

sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install --upgrade pip --user
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .


Building this package requires using mkdocs_simple_gen to generate the site.

mkdocs_simple_gen --build -- --verbose


Different Python versions

You can even test the package with different versions of python in a container by running the test_local script. This builds a docker container with the version of python you specify and runs the integration tests within the container.

Python 3.x, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 supported.

set -e
End-to-end testing via Bats (Bash automated tests)
function docker_run_integration_tests() {
docker build -t mkdocs-simple-test-runner:$1 -f- . <<EOF
 FROM python:$1
 RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install bats gcc sudo
 COPY . /workspace
 WORKDIR /workspace
echo "Running E2E tests via Bats in Docker (python:$1) -------->"
docker run --rm -it mkdocs-simple-test-runner:$1 tests/
docker run --rm -it mkdocs-simple-test-runner:$1 tests/
docker run --rm -it mkdocs-simple-test-runner:$1 tests/
if [[ ! -z "$PYTHON_V_ONLY" ]]; then
 echo "only v $PYTHON_V_ONLY"
 docker_run_integration_tests "$PYTHON_V_ONLY"
 docker_run_integration_tests "3"
 docker_run_integration_tests "3.7"
 docker_run_integration_tests "3.8"
 docker_run_integration_tests "3.9"
 docker_run_integration_tests "3.10"

Integration tests

Integration testing allows the plugin to be tested with mkdocs using example configurations. Integration testing uses bats, install it with

sudo apt-get install bats
Then run the tests


Unit tests

Unit tests help ensure individual functions perform as expected. Unit tests in this module use the the standard python unittest framework.


python3 -m unittest tests/test_*.py


Linting helps maintain style consistency. This package follows the google style guide. Conformity is enforced with flake8 and pydodstyle.


echo "Running flake8 linter -------->"
flake8 --count .
echo "Running pydocstyle"
pydocstyle --count .


Included in this package is a VSCode workspace and development container. See how I develop with VSCode and Docker and how I use VSCode tasks.