Keep to obsidian
Export Google Keep notes to Obsidian
This script converts a Google Keep JSON export file to Markdown files that can be imported into Obsidian.
- Export your Google Keep notes to JSON format. See Google Takeout for instructions.
- Extract your Google Keep export file to the google_keep folder.
- Open a terminal and run the script with the following command:
python --input path/to/google_keep_export -- output path/to/obsidian_export
- Markdown files will be saved in the Obsidian export folder.
- The script will create the Obsidian export folder if it doesn't exist.
- The script will overwrite existing Markdown files with the same name.
- The script will decode HTML entities in the note content.
- The script will use 'Untitled' as the note title if the note doesn't have a title.
- The script will ignore notes that don't have any content.
- The script will ignore notes that don't have a