Example configurations

These examples provide references for various configurations you can use for Jekyll Collection Pages plugin to suit youro needs.

Basic Blog with Categories

  - collection: posts
    field: category
    path: blog/category
    layout: category_page.html
    paginate: 10

This configuration will create category pages for your blog posts, with 10 posts per page.

Documentation with Multiple Collections

  - collection: docs
    field: section
    path: documentation/sections
    layout: doc_section.html
  - collection: tutorials
    field: difficulty
    path: tutorials/level
    layout: tutorial_level.html
    paginate: 5

This setup creates unpaginated section pages for documentation and paginated difficulty level pages for tutorials

Project Portfolio with Tags

  - collection: projects
    field: tags
    path: portfolio/tags
    layout: project_tag.html

This configuration creates tag pages for a project portfolio, allowing visitors to brows projects by tag.

Multiple Fields for a Single Collection

You can create pages based on multiple fields for the same collection:

  - collection: books
    field: genre
    path: books/genre
    layout: book_genre.html
  - collection: books
    field: author
    path: books/author
    layout: book_author.html

This configuration creates separate pages for browsing books by genre and author.


  • Ensure your collection is properly defined in your Jekyll configuration
  • Check that the specified field exists in your document front matter
  • Verify that the specified layout file exists in your _layouts directory.