Quick start



Add this line to your Jekyll site’s Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-collection-pages'

And add this line to your Jekyll site’s _config.yml:

  - jekyll-collection-pages

Basic Configuration

In your _config.yml, add the following configuration for each collection you want to generate pages for:

  - collection: docs
    field: category
    path: docs/category
    layout: category_layout.html
    paginate: 6
  - collection: articles
    field: tags
    path: articles/tags
    layout: tags_layout.html
    paginate: 10

Configuration Options

  • collection: The name of the collection to generate pages for.
  • field: The front matter field to use for categorization (e.g., ‘category’, ‘tags’).
  • path: The output path for the generated pages.
  • layout: The layout to use for the generated pages.
  • paginate: (Optional) The number of items per page. If omitted, all items will be on a single page.

Example Usage

  1. Setting up collections

    In your _config.yml:

        output: true
       collection: docs
       field: category
       path: docs/category
       layout: category_layout.html
       paginate: 6
  2. Creating collection items

    Create files in your collections with appropriate front matter:


    title: "Sample Document"
    category: "User Guide"
    This is a sample document.


    title: "Sample Article"
    tags: ["Jekyll", "Plugins"]
    This is a sample article.
  3. Creating layouts

    Create layout files for your generated pages:


    layout: default
    <h1>Category: </h1>
  4. Accessing generated pages

    The plugin will generate pages at paths like:

    • /docs/category/user-guide.html
    • /articles/tags/jekyll.html
    • /articles/tags/plugins.html


If you’ve set the paginate option, you can access pagination information in your layouts:

Demo Site

For more complex examples and a full working demo, check out the demo site included in this repository.