Theme layouts

Layouts in Jekyll define the structure and appearance of pages, allowing for consistent design across your site while accommodating different content types. Below, you’ll find examples of each layout, along with configuration details and usage instructions.


This layout is ideal for documentation, and follows the document style on github docs

Live demo


    output: true
    sort_by: order
  - scope:
      path: "" # an empty string here means all files in the project
      type: "docs"
      layout: "docs"
      image: /assets/img/default.png # The default image used for social and posts.
      permalink: /docs/:path
      toc: true

markdown front matter

title: Documentation
layout: docs


This layout includes site.nav data, your repo card

Live demo


repo_info: true # Show the information for the source of this project
user_metadata: true # Show the metadata associated with the user
profile_link: true # Show a link to the github profile for the user

# Navigation links
  - name: Topbar
    url: /topbar.html
  - name: Appbar
    url: /appbar.html
  - name: Sidebar
    url: /sidebar.html
  - name: Stacked
    url: /stacked.html

markdown front matter

layout: landing


This layout provides a linktree-like view for your webpage.

Live demo


# List of links for link cards
  - name: Example page with topbar
    url: /page/topbar
    thumbnail: /media/topbar-icon.png
  - name: Example page with appbar
    url: /page/appbar
    thumbnail: /media/appbar-icon.png
  - name: Example page with sidebar
    url: /page/sidebar
    thumbnail: /media/sidebar-icon.png
  - name: Example page with header stacked
    url: /page/stacked
    thumbnail: /media/stacked-icon.png
  - name: Example custom background
    url: /background
    thumbnail: /media/icon-bg.png
  - name: Example Linktree page
    url: /linktree
    thumbnail: /media/links.png
  - name: Example Profile page
    url: /profile
    thumbnail: /media/user-image.jpg
  - name: Example Reposotiries page
    url: /repositories
    thumbnail: /media/repositories.png

markdown front matter

layout: linktree
title: Linktree
  - name: Example page with topbar
    url: /page/topbar
    thumbnail: /media/topbar-icon.png
  - name: Example page with appbar
    url: /page/appbar
    thumbnail: /media/appbar-icon.png
  - name: Example page with sidebar
    url: /page/sidebar
    thumbnail: /media/sidebar-icon.png
  - name: Example page with header stacked
    url: /page/stacked
    thumbnail: /media/stacked-icon.png
  - name: Example custom background
    url: /background
    thumbnail: /media/icon-bg.png
  - name: Example Linktree page
    url: /linktree
    thumbnail: /media/links.png
  - name: Example Profile page
    url: /profile
    thumbnail: /media/user-image.jpg
  - name: Example Reposotiries page
    url: /repositories
    thumbnail: /media/repositories.png


A profile page similar to the one on github

Live demo


# The user/project avatar.  If not set the avatar of the project owner will be used.
user_image: /media/user-image.jpg
repo_info: true # Show the information for the source of this project
user_metadata: true # Show the metadata associated with the user
profile_link: true # Show a link to the github profile for the user

markdown page

layout: profile


A view of all of your repositories

Live demo


# Repositories to show on home page
  sort_by: stars
  # sort_by options:
  #   - pushed
  #   - stars
  limit: 24
    archived: true
    forks: true
      # - list of respositories to exclude

markdown page

layout: repositories
title: My Repositories


An index view of all of your tags

Live demo


# jekyll-tagging settings
# Include `gem jekyll-tagging` in your gemfile
tag_page_layout: tags
tag_page_dir: tags
# related
related_by: "tags or categories"

markdown page

title: Tags
layout: tag_index


An index view of all of your categories

Live demo


# jekyll-category-pages settings
category_path: category
category_layout: category_layout.html

markdown page

title: Category
layout: category_index