Get started

This theme is based on GitHub’s primer style. It supports both light and dark modes, and four style options: appbar, sidebar, topbar, and stacked. Setting up is a breeze, as it automatically populates your profile using your GitHub user info. Add custom links like Linktree and share engaging blog posts effortlessly.



Add this line to your Jekyll site’s Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-theme-profile"

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install jekyll-theme-profile


And add this line to your Jekyll site’s _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-theme-profile
style: topbar # One of "stacked", "sidebar", "topbar", "appbar"
repository: athackst/jekyll-theme-profile # for repository info to be included
repo_info: true # Show the information for the source of this project
user_metadata: true # Show the metadata associated with the user
profile_link: true # Show a link to the github profile for the user

Or you can start with a sample config that you can copy and customize.


You may also want to add the following supported plugins to your gemfile

  gem 'jekyll-paginate' # Needed for blog index
  gem 'jekyll-relative-links' # Needed for breadcrumbs in docs
  gem 'jekyll-tagging' # Needed for tag pages for blog posts
  gem 'jekyll-github-metadata', '= 2.13.0' # Needed to rate limit API calls.

And the corresponding plugins to your _config.yml file:

# ########### Plugin settings ###############
  - jekyll-github-metadata
  - jekyll-relative-links


Build the site and make it available on a local server

bundle exec jekyll serve