Theme configuration

This theme can be set up using the _config.yml file, most settings can be overwritten in pages.

Theme settings

Setting the theme

theme: jekyll-theme-profile

Customizing the theme

Set the style of the website

Select the default style for your theme by adding style to your config file:

style: sidebar # One of "stacked", "sidebar", "topbar", "appbar"

You can also set the style of a particular page by adding style to your frontmatter.

style: sidebar # One of "stacked", "sidebar", "topbar", "appbar

Sidebar image


Stacked image


Topbar image


Appbar image Choosing the right style helps define the user experience and visual flow

Setting user avatar

By default, the theme will use your github avatar. You can, however, set a custom avatar for your site

user_image: /assets/img/user-image.jpg

Customizing light and dark themes

This setting specifies the style for the light and dark modes of your site. These styles are taken from primer css.

# The themes to use for dark and light
dark_theme: dark_dimmed
light_theme: light

Set a custom background and image overlay

You can even change the background by adding the following to your _config.yml file.

  image: /media/background-img.jpg
  overlay: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) # Overlay for both light and dark styles

or set custom overlays for the light and dark themes.

  image: /media/background-img.jpg
  light: # custom overlay for light and dark styles
    overlay: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
    overlay: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)

Example page

Set custom header colors

You can change the header color by adding the following to your _config.yml file or page frontmatter.

  color: "#4051b5"
  text: "rgba(255,255,255,0.7)"
  accent: "#ffffff"
  image: /media/background-img.jpg
  overlay: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
  • color The main background color of the header
  • text The color of text elements within the header
  • accent Controls the color of accent elements such as links
  • image Sets an image in the background of the header
  • overlay Sets the overlay on top of an image for better visibility of links

Example page

Additional theme features

These additional features add information to your site from your github user.

repo_info: true # Show the information for the source of this project
user_metadata: true # Show the metadata associated with the user
profile_link: true # Show a link to the github profile for the user
  • repo_info will show the repository information in the header section
  • user_metadata will show metadata associated with your user under your masthead
  • profile_link will show a link to your profile

Social media and SEO (optional)

Setting the social media preview image

You can set the social media image for your site with the setting

image: /screenshot.jpg

This works on both yaml frontmatter for a page and in the _config.yml file. Page settings will override site settings.

Set the default for posts through the default settings in the _config.yml file.

  - scope:
      path: "" # an empty string here means all files in the project
      type: "posts"
      layout: "post"
      permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:title.html
      image: /assets/img/default.png # The default image used for social and posts.
      toc: true

Adding your socials

Utilize the social_media section to add links to your various social media profiles. For each platform simply provide your username or user ID to have the corresponding icon and link appear on your profile.

Social Media

  behance: your_username
  dribbble: your_username
  docker: your_username
  facebook: your_username
  github: your_username
  hackerrank: your_username
  instagram: your_username
  keybase: your_username
  linkedin: your_username
  mail: email@address
  mastodon: your_username
  medium: your_username
  stackoverflow: your_user_id
  telegram: your_username
  threads: your_username
  tiktok: your_username
  twitter: your_username
  unsplash: your_username
  vk: your_username
  vscode: your_username
  youtube: your_username
  x: your_username

You can also set the icon color. If you don’t set an icon color, the original icon colors will be used.

icon_color: "#959da5"

You can add navigation links that will show up in your header bar and in navigation menus.

These will be visible in all pages, and are the main elements in the landing layout.

# Navigation links
  - name: Posts
    url: /blog
  - name: Categories
    url: /category/
  • name The name of the link
  • url The url of the link

In the links section, you can add links to showcase various pages on the web or your website.

These will show in home, profile, and linktree layouts.

# List of links for link cards
  - name: All blog posts
    url: /blog
    thumbnail: /assets/img/blog-post-icon.png # optional
  - name: Category
    description: Browse all categories in posts
    url: /category/
    octicon: mark-github
  • name The name/title to show for the link
  • description (optional) Additional text to show for the link
  • url (optional) The URL of the link
  • thumbnail (optional) The thumbnail image to show
  • octicon (optional) Instead of a thumbnail, use an octicon icon

Repositories (optional)

The repositories section allows you to display your GitHub repositories on your page. You can sort them by stars or latest pushes, set a limit to the number of repositories displayed, and exclude archived, forked, or specific repositories from the list

These show in the profile and repositories layouts.

# Repositories to show on home page
  sort_by: stars # pushed or stars
  limit: 24
    archived: true
    forks: true
      # - list of repositories to exclude
  • sort_by What to sort repositories by, either latest pushed or number of stars
  • limit max number of repositories to show
  • exclude Repositories to exclude from your site

Post settings

Each post can show related posts below it. Choose either tags or categories or random or a combination.

related_by: "tags or categories"