Link Card

This include file generates a card for displaying a link with optional thumbnail and description. It’s designed to be flexible and can display as either a clickable link or a text-only card.


To use this include in your Jekyll theme, add the following line to your template:

{% include link-card.html link=page.link_object %}


You can customize the behavior of this include by passing a link object with the following properties:

Property Required Description
name Yes The name or title of the link
url No The URL for the link. If not provided, the card will be displayed as text-only
thumbnail No The path to an image to be used as a thumbnail
description No A brief description of the link
octicon No An Octicon name to display instead of a thumbnail

Example with parameters:

{% assign link = page.featured_link %}
{% include link-card.html link=link %}


  1. The include checks if a URL is provided for the link.
  2. If a URL is present:
    • It creates a clickable card with hover effects.
    • Displays a thumbnail image or Octicon if provided.
    • Shows the link name and description (if available).
  3. If no URL is present:
    • It creates a non-clickable text card.
    • Displays a thumbnail image if provided.
    • Shows the link name and description (if available).


This include file may depend on:

  1. Octicons: The GitHub icon set, used if an octicon property is specified.


  • The include uses Liquid tags and filters, such as relative_url, to ensure correct URL generation.
  • The octicon functionality assumes you have the Octicons library or a similar icon system set up in your theme.
  • The include uses responsive design principles with flexbox for layout.