Paginator Navigation

The Paginator Navigation include file provides a simple and accessible way to navigate paginated content within a Jekyll site. It dynamically generates pagination links for previous and next pages, as well as numbered navigation between multiple pages.


To use this include in your Jekyll theme, add the following line to your template:

{% include paginator_nav.html %}

You must also have pagination installed.


This include can be customized by passing in the following optional parameters:

Parameter Default Description
paginate_path site.paginate_path Defines the pagination URL pattern (e.g., "/blog/page/:num").
previous_page_path paginator.previous_page_path The URL for the previous page in the pagination sequence.
next_page_path paginator.next_page_path The URL for the next page in the pagination sequence.

This allows it to work with jekyll-category-pages

Example Usage with Parameters

{% include paginator_nav.html paginate_path="/blog/page/:num" previous_page_path=paginator.previous_page_path next_page_path=paginator.next_page_path %}

Example Output

When used in a paginated blog, the output might look like this:

<div class="paginate-container">
    <div role="navigation" aria-label="Pagination" class="d-flex d-md-inline-block pagination">
        <a class="previous_page" rel="prev" href="/blog/page/2/" aria-disabled="false">Previous</a>
        <a href="/blog/" aria-label="1">1</a>
        <a href="/blog/page/2/" aria-label="2">2</a>
        <a href="/blog/page/3/" aria-label="3">3</a>
        <a class="next_page" rel="next" href="/blog/page/2/" aria-disabled="false">Next</a>


  • The paginator.total_pages check ensures pagination is only displayed when necessary.
  • The first page always links to the base URL instead of /page/1/ for cleaner URLs.
  • This include is meant to be used in layouts that support pagination (jekyll-paginate or jekyll-paginate-v2).