Collection Menu

The Collection Menu include file generates a dropdown navigation menu for a Jekyll collection, grouping items by their category field. It is particularly useful for displaying structured documentation, guides, or other content collections.


To use this include in your Jekyll theme, add the following line to your template:

{% include collection-menu.html name="Documentation" index=site.docs_index id="docs-menu" %}


Parameter Default Description
collection The Jekyll collection to display in the menu.
name None Display name for the collection in the menu header.
index None Index page object for the collection, used as the main link in the menu header.
id collection-menu HTML id attribute for the <details> element; useful for multiple instances.


{% include collection-menu.html collection=site.tutorials name="Tutorials" index=site.tutorials_index id="tutorials-menu" %}


  1. Dropdown Menu:
    • Uses Primer CSS’s details-overlay pattern to create a dropdown.
    • Clicking the burger icon opens the menu; clicking outside or pressing the close button closes it.
  2. Collection Items Grouped by Category:
    • The menu groups collection documents by their category front matter field.
    • Each category is displayed as a section header.
  3. Current Page Highlighting:
    • The current page is marked with aria-current="page" when its URL matches the menu item.
  4. Optional Index Link:
    • If index is provided, the collection name in the header becomes a link to the index page.


This include relies on:

  1. Primer CSS: Classes like details-overlay, SelectMenu, SideNav are part of Primer’s styling system.
  2. Octicons: For the close button icon.
  3. jQuery: Required for the custom close button behavior.


  1. Change Menu Appearance:
    • Adjust Primer CSS classes like SideNav, SelectMenu, or AppHeader-link.
  2. Adjust Categories:
    • Ensure your collection items have a category field in their front matter for grouping.
  3. Modify Close Behavior:
    • The script attached to the close button can be adapted or replaced with custom behavior if needed.


  • The id parameter allows multiple instances of this menu to coexist on a page without conflicts.
  • The aria-haspopup and aria-current attributes enhance accessibility for the dropdown menu and navigation links.
  • Ensure your site includes Primer CSS and jQuery for proper styling and behavior.

By integrating collection-menu.html, you can create a well-structured and accessible collection menu that enhances site navigation.