Profile Layout

The profile layout is designed for creating a personal or organizational profile page in your Jekyll site. It provides a structured format to showcase a user’s profile image, bio, social links, blog posts, and repositories.


To use the Profile layout in your Jekyll site, create a new file with the following front matter:

layout: profile


The Profile layout accepts several parameters in the front matter:

Parameter Default Description
layout Required Must be set to profile
style default Layout style (default, sidebar, stacked)
user_image site.user_image or site.github.owner.avatar_url Custom user profile image
links site.links An array of social/profile links
collection site.posts Collection of posts to display in the blog section
posts_limit site.paginate Number of posts to display

Each link object in the links array can have the following properties:

Property Description
name The text to display for the link
url The URL the link should point to
icon A custom icon for the link (optional)


  1. Displays a profile section with an image and name.
  2. Includes social/profile links if provided.
  3. Shows a timeline of blog posts from the specified collection.
  4. Optionally displays repositories if site.repositories is enabled.
  5. Supports different layout styles (default, sidebar, stacked).

Example Usage

This example shows a basic Profile page with user information and links:

layout: profile
user_image: /assets/img/custom-user.jpg
style: sidebar
  - name: GitHub
    icon: mark-github
  - name: Twitter
    icon: twitter
collection: site.posts
posts_limit: 5

Live demo


  • Ensure all image URLs are correct and accessible.
  • Icons require the correct library to be included in your theme.
  • The layout is responsive and should work well across different screen sizes.
  • Custom styling can be added using additional CSS overrides in your theme.


This layout may depend on:

  1. masthead.html include for rendering the profile header.
  2. social.html include for displaying social links.
  3. post-timeline.html include for listing blog posts.
  4. repositories.html include for rendering repositories.

Ensure these dependencies are properly set up in your Jekyll theme for the Profile layout to function correctly.