Landing layout

The landing layout is designed for creating a sleek, minimal homepage or landing page for your Jekyll site. It provides a structured format for showcasing a masthead, repository information, navigation links, and social media profiles.


To use the Landing layout in your Jekyll site, create a new file with the following front matter:

layout: landing


The Landing layout accepts several parameters in the front matter:

Parameter Default Description
layout Required Must be set to landing
style none Layout style customization (optional)
repo_info site.repo_info Displays repository information if enabled
nav site.nav Displays site navigation if enabled
social_media site.social_media Displays social media links if provided


  1. Displays a masthead for branding and introduction.
  2. Optionally includes a repository information card.
  3. Shows navigation links if configured.
  4. Includes a section for social media links.
  5. Provides a customizable structure for content placement.

Example Usage

This example shows a basic Landing page setup:

layout: landing
style: none
repo_info: true
nav: true
social_media: true

Live demo


  • Ensure repo_info, nav, and social_media are configured in _config.yml if needed.
  • Custom styles can be applied by modifying the theme’s CSS.
  • The layout is responsive and should work well on all screen sizes.


This layout may depend on:

  1. masthead.html include for branding.
  2. toggle.html include for theme switching.
  3. mini-repo-info-card.html include for repository info.
  4. nav.html include for navigation.
  5. social.html include for social media links.

Ensure these dependencies are properly set up in your Jekyll theme for the Landing layout to function correctly.