Repositories Layout

The repositories layout is designed for displaying a list of repositories on your Jekyll site. It provides a structured format to showcase repositories dynamically using predefined includes.


To use the Repositories layout in your Jekyll site, create a new file with the following front matter:

layout: repositories


The Repositories layout accepts several parameters in the front matter:

Parameter Default Description
layout Required Must be set to repositories
title Repositories The title displayed on the page
content Optional Additional text or descriptions displayed before the repositories


  1. Displays a title for the repositories page.
  2. Optionally includes descriptive content before the repository list.
  3. Dynamically loads and displays repositories using the repositories.html include.
  4. Supports Jekyll’s standard content management for additional customization.

Example Usage

This example shows a basic Repositories page with a custom title and description:

layout: repositories
title: My Projects
Welcome to my open-source projects repository page. Here you can find all my latest projects.

Live demo


  • Ensure that the repositories is configured in your _config.yml file.
  • You may need to include the jekyll-github-metadata plugin in your Gemfile and/or included in _config.yml. ``` plugins:
    • jekyll-github-metadata ```