Post Timeline Card

The Post Timeline Card include file is responsible for rendering individual posts within a timeline layout. It provides a structured and customizable way to display posts with metadata such as title, author, date, tags, and optional media (images or videos).


To use this include in your Jekyll theme, add the following line within a template:

{% include post-timeline-card.html post=post %}


This include requires a post object to be passed, which contains various metadata fields. Below is a list of supported fields:

Parameter Required Default Description
post.url ✅ Yes N/A The permalink to the post
post.title ✅ Yes N/A The title of the post ❌ No None The author of the post ✅ Yes N/A The date the post was published
post.tags ❌ No None An array of tags associated with the post
post.excerpt ❌ No None A short excerpt from the post
post.content ❌ No None The full content of the post (used for “Continue Reading”)
post.type ❌ No comment The type of post, used for the Octicon badge ❌ No None A URL to an embedded video
post.image ❌ No None A URL to a featured image

Demo Page

To see post-timeline-card.html in action within the post-timeline include, visit our demo page:

Timeline Demo


This include relies on:

  1. Octicons: The GitHub icon set for the badge next to the title.
  2. CSS Styles: The .TimelineItem and .IssueLabel classes should be styled appropriately in your theme.
  3. Jekyll Collections: The include expects a post-like object, typically from site.posts.


To modify how posts are displayed:

  1. Edit the CSS: Adjust the .TimelineItem, .title, and .summary styles.
  2. Modify the HTML: Change the markup within post-timeline-card.html to match your theme.
  3. Update the Octicons: Modify the post.type value to change the icon displayed.


  • Ensure that the post object is correctly passed when including this file.
  • If post.type is not provided, it defaults to comment for the Octicon.
  • The layout is designed to be responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes.
  • The relative_url filter is used for post links to ensure compatibility with different site configurations.